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A coat of arms was granted to Nicholas Ferrar’s father, also called Nicholas Ferrar, in 1588, by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux King of Arms. In the grant of arms the arms are blazoned:
The field golde on a bende betwene two cotises sables three horse shooes of the first.
Uppon the healme on a wreath golde and Sables an Arme armed in maylle holdinge a broken sworde Silver the hilte and pomell gold; mantled gules doubled argent.
o all and singuler as well nobles and gentils as others to whome these presente shall come be seene heard read or understood Robert Cooke Esquire alias Clarencieulx Kinge of Armes and principall herauld of the
Southe Easte and west partes of this Realme of England from the Rever of Trent Southwardes, sendeth greetings in our Lord God everlastinge: Beinge required of Nicholas Farrar of London gentilman to make
search in the Regesters and Recordes of myne office for the auncient Armes belonginge unto that name and
famely, whereof he is descended; I have at his request made searche accordingly, And findinge the same in the Auncient recordes of myne Office I coulde not without great injurye assigne unto him any other Armes
than those which are lawfully unto him descended from his Auncesters That is to saye the field golde on a bende betwene two cotises sables three horse shooes of the first. And
for as muche as I fynde no Creast or Cognoysance unto the same as comonly to all Auncient Armes their
belongith none I have given and allowed unto him by waye of encrease for his Creast or Cognoysance.
Uppon the healme on a wreath golde and Sables an Arme armed in maylle holdinge a broken sworde Silver the hilte and pomell gold; mantled gules doubled argent as more plainley apperith depicted in the margent; which Armes and Creast I the said Clarencieulx Kinge of Armes by power and authoritie to me comytted by letters patentes under the great Seale of England have ratified confirmed assigned given and graunted unto the said Nicholas Farrar gentilman and to all his posteritie; with their due differences to use beare enjoye
and shewe foorthe at all tymes and for ever heereafter according to the auncient lawes of Armes, without the impediment lett or interuption of any person or persons. In witnesse whereof I the said Clarencieulx Kinge of Armes have hereunto subscribed my name, and their to
put the Seale of myne Office the xxixth day of December in the yere of our Lord God 1588 and in the xxxjst
yere of the reigne of our most gracious Sovereigne Lady Queene Elizabeth.
Rob. Cooke Alias Clarencieulx
Roi Darmes
Photograph copyright © Simon Kershaw 2006. All rights reserved.