Common Worship Almanacs
for PalmOS and iCal
Almanac files for Palm, iCal and other calendar software
Download the required file to your local hard drive. In most browsers
you can do this by right-clicking on the link and selecting save
as... or similar. With a one-button Mac mouse click and hold to get
the pop-up menu.
On your PC open the Palm Desktop and select the Datebook.
Optionally create a new user to examine the archive -- see below.
On the File menu select Import...
Choose the file cw-cal.dba and select Open
Hotsync your Palm or Palm Pilot. Your Palm will now include all
the fixed dates of the Common Worship Calendar
You may wish to examine and perhaps modify the archive before
merging it into your Datebook. To do this follow these steps:
Create a new user in the Palm Desktop by selecting Edit
Users... from the Users menu at the top
right of the Desktop.
Select this user. You are now presented with an empty Desktop
Datebook, Addressbook, etc. Your real data is still available
under the Users menu. This new user will not be
Import the Datebook archive file using the procedure above.
You can now browse and edit the Calendar.
If you have modified the Calendar and wish to use your
modified version then export the Datebook to a Datebook
archive (dba) file. You may wish to overwrite cw-cal.dba or
to create a new dba file. To export an archive select
Export... from the File menu.
Switch back to your real user.
Import the original or the modified archive into your Desktop
datebook. This will merge the Calendar into your Datebook.
Hotsync to transfer the Calendar to your Palm or Palm Pilot.
(This section is still to be written. Meantime, have a look at the
These files are made available free of charge. Furthermore I
disclaim all responsibility for any consequences of any errors
in the files. My liability is limited to making available an
updated version of the archive. Please help by pointing out any
The 2003, 2004 and 2005 Lectionaries are made available free of
charge, and are derived from data provided by Church House
Publishing. The above disclaimer also applies to these files.
For further information or suggestions email me, Simon Kershaw,
Simon Kershaw
8 September 2000
The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary